Error 29 when large font is selected in Application Scaling

I have two clients who get an error 29 error in definition of screen item when they try to open a customized panel if they have selected large font in Application Scaling in Sage 100c 2016 PU#3.  Our current workaround is to have them use either the default or medium font.  Has anyone else run into this issue?  Is there any fix for it other than what we are currently doing?

  • Hi, The workarounds available are either set the scaling to medium/default OR change your "Windows Display Settings" back to 100%. I'd need then specific error information to provide additional detail.
    John Nichols
  • in reply to jcnichols
    1st error message:
    Error in definition of screen item: PHEADER 0184
    Error #29: Invalid Mnemonic or position specification
    Name: SALESORDERNO @(83,25)
    CTL value: 10031

    2nd error message
    Error 65 Window element does not exist or already exists
    Program: _WINPROC
    Statement: 6583
    Class: SO_Invoice_UI
  • in reply to BirdDog
    Hi, If the customization involved resizing of the screen, reset the screen back to the default size and retry. Verify all customized buttons, fields etc...are in a visible area of the screen. Have the user access "User Settings" from the Launcher Bar - if an error 29 occurs there you have the 2 work around(s) listed above. The issue is corrected in the 2018 release scheduled for later this year.
    John Nichols