UNSPECIFIED ERROR Custom Crystal Report


The KB 89925 indicates this is an issue of a custom report created in a prev version. This is not the case This report was created in 2018 using crystal 2016. However I followed the resolution to change the number to a string and it screws up the whole report.  This only happens on some workstations. The report works fine on others. We have uninstalled and reinstalled WS and have IT looking into other machine differences. Anyone else seeing this? We have other custom reports that use the same parameter {select month) that work fine.  We have tried rewriting the report Sage support says go to Sage city??????

  • 0

    I was getting this error on several of my reports and as you mention, I converted all parameters that were numbers to strings.  But once you do that you also need to change any formulas referring to that parameter to convert the string back to a number with tonumber().  I hope this helps.

  • 0 in reply to WagonmasterON

    Thanks for keeping this thread going long enough to get an answer.  I did try that with one report and it was such a pain I gave up. HOW CAN IT BE THE PARAMETER. and why would I do that much work. This is cost prohibitive when it works on another workstation fine, They have a lot of custom PR reports and most are asking for a month in the date range or some part of a fate range.

    Thanks again

  • 0 in reply to WagonmasterON

    Thanks for keeping this thread going long enough to get an answer.  I did try that with one report and it was such a pain I gave up. HOW CAN IT BE THE PARAMETER. and why would I do that much work. This is cost prohibitive when it works on another workstation fine, They have a lot of custom PR reports and most are asking for a month in the date range or some part of a fate range.

    Thanks again
