visual integrator conditional expression

The original statement we have is as follows - Temp001$=“458” 

I want to include "459". How should the formula look?

Temp001$=“458, 459" 


Temp001$=“458” or Temp001$=“459”

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    In case your list of values to check keeps growing, here is another way. Let's say valid values are 458, 459, and 460. You can concatenate them and use the POS (scan string) function instead of evaluating with a separate "or" :

    POS(Temp001$="458459460") > 0

    or even get rid of the "> 0" since that's implied.

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    In case your list of values to check keeps growing, here is another way. Let's say valid values are 458, 459, and 460. You can concatenate them and use the POS (scan string) function instead of evaluating with a separate "or" :

    POS(Temp001$="458459460") > 0

    or even get rid of the "> 0" since that's implied.
