Is there a way to update AP_InvoiceRegister in a UDS


Hi Forum,

I cannot seem to find a way to update the AP_InvoiceRegisterWork table and AP_InvoiceRegister.upd.

We have a Vendor that need to print checks to with different Names.  One vendor hundreds of different Names the invoices need to be updated with.

We setup UDFs at the Invoice Data entry.  But  I cannot see the way to update the registers.



  • 0

    What are you trying to adjust in History?  (You don't do this kind of thing by updating the register via script... you update the data entry tables, then let the register's work as designed).

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    No, what we need is to use UDFs to add Name and Address to vendors we need to print checks to.

    We have a "ONETIME" vendor code and added a UDFs panel in AP Invoice Data Entry and will like the script to populate the Vendor Name with the UDF_Name value in AP_InvoiceRegister.upd and tables.

    We will add another script at time of check printing to print the UDFs Name and Address on the checks.

    For that i will need to add a script to do it when the Inovice Register is updated . Correct?  or what is that i need to do to accomplish this task.


  • 0 in reply to mroman
    verified answer

    No script is needed for something like that, up until you get to the check stage (to copy a line value to check header).

    To pass invoice UDF data to AP_OpenInvoice, add a UDF to that table and check the business objects and you'll see a middle step is needed.

    Checking the data sources available in AP_InvoiceHeaderPosting and you'll find you can source from the AP_InvoiceHeader table.

    Set up this flow through the posting table into the open invoice table, and (as long as you set up the business object links properly), the data should get to the right place.

    If you want to show values on the printed register, use a similar process to add a UDF to that work table.  (No scripts or extra table links).

    Then, add a UDF to the check detail table, sourced from the open invoice table.  Script copy the check detail value into a check header UDF, and flow from there to a work table UDF.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Thanks Kevin this is definitely what is needed!!!.



  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    OK, what we are looking for is to print the UDF_Name as the Vendor Name on the Register.

    Do i need to change the crystal report then?


  • +1 in reply to mroman
    verified answer

    Yes, add a UDF to the register's work table, and edit the report (changing nothing structural, to preserve report integrity). 

    Beware when installing updates / upgrades which may overwrite your customized report (since registers can only live in the MAS90\Reports folder).

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Yes, we have a customization folder for that type of issues.

    Thanks, I very much appreciate your help.
