Remove "Delete Customizer Modifications" for assigned panels?


We are trying to set up our customer maintenance screen to look identical to customer inquiry, except for one tab so that a certain department can access just that one tab. To do this, I am creating a custom panel which locks all fields except for the tab which I want them to have access to. 

I am used to seeing "Reset Panel" when right clicking on a screen, which to my understanding removes all the USERS modifications to their assigned panel.  However, I am now seeing a new checkbox "Delete Customizer Modifications" which completely deletes the newly customized panel in the system. Obviously, I don't want users to be able to delete the modifications which would unlock the restricted fields. 

I have removed the following permissions under Tasks -> Custom Office -> Miscellaneous Tasks: Cusomizer selection, Customizer Export WIzard, and Customizer Import Wizard. I thought maybe this would remove the delete modifications option but it is still there. I would greatly appreciate help with this obstacle. 


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  • 0 in reply to Surya IT

    Are you testing from a different login than was used to create the custom panel?  The help files imply that matters... although it does seem like poor control to allow deleting a Customization Group setting this way.

    A UI script could probably do what you ask (invoke the tab button in the table post read event, and panel post load event for all other tabs), filtered by Role.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Hi Kevin. Yes, I create it on the Admin account and then access it on a basic user account. And I agree, doesn't seem right that a user can just remove the panel that was assigned to them. Anyway, thanks for the idea, I'll try scripting around this issue.