Error #12: File does not exist (or already exists) File: FL_Options


Hello everyone!

I'm attempting to update records in `PO_ReceiptHeader` and `PO_ReceitDetail` through SAGE 100 SData (via a custom built web app), however I keep running into this error :

```<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<sdata:diagnoses xmlns="">" xmlns:xs="">" xmlns:atom="">" xmlns:sdata="">" xmlns:xsi="">" xmlns:opensearch="">" xmlns:sync="">" xmlns:sme="">" xmlns:http="">">
    <sdata:applicationCode />
    <sdata:message>Error #12: File does not exist (or already exists) File: FL_Options</sdata:message>
    <sdata:stackTrace />
    <sdata:payloadPath />

Here is the payload that produces the error:
```payload <entry xmlns:atom="
">" xmlns:xs="">" xmlns:cf="">" xmlns="">" xmlns:sdata="">" xmlns:xsi="">" xmlns:opensearch="">" xmlns:sync="">" xmlns:sme="">" xmlns:http="">"><sdata:payload><PO_ReceiptHeader sdata:uri="sdata/MasApp/MasContract/PLU/PO_ReceiptHeader('G;058650')" xmlns=""><PrepaidFreightAmt>0.00</PrepaidFreightAmt><UDF_RECEIVER_APPROVED>Y</UDF_RECEIVER_APPROVED><UDF_RECEIVER_DATE>2020-05-19</UDF_RECEIVER_DATE><UDF_RECEIVER_NAME>jsexton</UDF_RECEIVER_NAME><UDF_RECEIVER_TIME>1101</UDF_RECEIVER_TIME></PO_ReceiptHeader></sdata:payload></entry>```

I've looked for posts relating specifically to Error 12 and File: FL_Options but had little luck in finding anything.

I'd love some feed back on what I'm doing wrong or what I need to change. Also if you need to see my function call I'd be happy to share that as well. If there is any information missing I do apologize in advance - I'm new around here Slight smile  I'll be happy to provide anything you all might need to help diagnose the problem.

Thank you for any and all help you may be able to provide.

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  • 0

    FL = Sage Fixed Assets Link, a separate integration module for Sage 100.  Do you know if the system you are integrating with has Fixed Assets?  

    Also, are you potentially populating any of the columns that deal with fixed assets in the receipt detail?  (AssetAccount = Y or AssetTemplate)?

    This may be the issue, if the Asset Account = "Y" it maybe looking to internally reference some fixed assets link tables that do not exist on the system.

    Hope this helps, Elliott

  • 0 in reply to jepritch

    Hi Elliot, thank you for your quick response!  I'm not 100% sure on the Fixed Assets module as me nor the other developer have run into that yet.

    As far as the AssetAccount and AssetTemplate I am not setting those.  Looking at my test Receipt of Goods in the database, I can see that my AssetAccount lines are set to N and the AssetTemplate lines for that same record are all blank.

    Here are the columns I'm attempting to populate with the HEADER call:

    `<PO_ReceiptHeader sdata:uri="sdata/MasApp/MasContract/` +
          GLOBAL_VARIABLES.gCompany +
          `/PO_ReceiptHeader('${object.receiptType};${object.receiptNo}')" xmlns="">` +
          `<PrepaidFreightAmt>0.00</PrepaidFreightAmt>` +
          `<UDF_RECEIVER_DATE>${todaydate}</UDF_RECEIVER_DATE>` +
          `<UDF_RECEIVER_NAME>${receiver}</UDF_RECEIVER_NAME>` +
          `<UDF_RECEIVER_TIME>${time}</UDF_RECEIVER_TIME>` +

    And here are the columns I'm attempting to populate with the DETAIL call:

    `<PO_ReceiptDetail sdata:uri="sdata/MasApp/MasContract/` +
          GLOBAL_VARIABLES.gCompany +
          `/PO_ReceiptDetail('${object.receiptType};${object.receiptNo};${object.lineKey}')" xmlns="">` +
          `<AllocatedFreightAmt>0.00</AllocatedFreightAmt>` +
          `<QuantityReceived>${object.newQtyReceived}</QuantityReceived>` +
  • 0 in reply to jepritch

    Hi Elliot, thank you for your quick response!  I'm not 100% sure on the Fixed Assets module as me nor the other developer have run into that yet.

    As far as the AssetAccount and AssetTemplate I am not setting those.  Looking at my test Receipt of Goods in the database, I can see that my AssetAccount lines are set to N and the AssetTemplate lines for that same record are all blank.

    Here are the columns I'm attempting to populate with the HEADER call:

    `<PO_ReceiptHeader sdata:uri="sdata/MasApp/MasContract/` +
          GLOBAL_VARIABLES.gCompany +
          `/PO_ReceiptHeader('${object.receiptType};${object.receiptNo}')" xmlns="">` +
          `<PrepaidFreightAmt>0.00</PrepaidFreightAmt>` +
          `<UDF_RECEIVER_DATE>${todaydate}</UDF_RECEIVER_DATE>` +
          `<UDF_RECEIVER_NAME>${receiver}</UDF_RECEIVER_NAME>` +
          `<UDF_RECEIVER_TIME>${time}</UDF_RECEIVER_TIME>` +

    And here are the columns I'm attempting to populate with the DETAIL call:

    `<PO_ReceiptDetail sdata:uri="sdata/MasApp/MasContract/` +
          GLOBAL_VARIABLES.gCompany +
          `/PO_ReceiptDetail('${object.receiptType};${object.receiptNo};${object.lineKey}')" xmlns="">` +
          `<AllocatedFreightAmt>0.00</AllocatedFreightAmt>` +
          `<QuantityReceived>${object.newQtyReceived}</QuantityReceived>` +
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