Updating Batches via BOI


Hello all!

I'm working on a script to auto approve batches but I am running into some issues.  I looked through the BOI course and there is an example in there that updates the SalesOrder so I adapted my code from that.  I'm not sure if I'm setting it to the right module or not.  I'm a little confused on if I should be updating the Receipt Register or the GL.

We run SAGE 100 MAS 90.

Below is the code I currently have. 

Set oScript = CreateObject("ProvideX.Script")
oScript.Init("C:\sage\Sage 100 Advanced\MAS90\Home")
Set oSS = oScript.NewObject("SY_Session")

retVal = oSS.nLogon()
If retVal = 0 then 
    retVal = oss.nSetUser("user","password")
End If

retVal = oss.nSetCompany("TST")
retVal = oSS.nSetDate("P/O""20200715")
retVal = oSS.nSetModule("P/O")

oGLUI = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookUpTask("PO_ReceiptRegister_UI"))

WScript.Echo oSS.sLastErrorMsg & "Line 17 PO UPDATE UI set"
Set oGLPost = oScript.NewObject("PO_ReceiptRegister_upd", oSS)

WScript.Echo "Line 20 PO UPD set"

' WScript.Echo "oGLPost set to new object"

If retVal = 0 Then 
  WScript.Echo oSS.sLastErrorMsg
End If 

retVal = oGLPost.nSelectBatch("07864")
WScript.Echo "Batch number set"
If CBool(oGLPost.nProcessReport("DEFERRED")) Then
   retVal = oGLPost.nUpdate()
   Select Case retVal 
     Case 0 
     WScript.Echo oGLPost.sLastErrorMsg
     Case 1 
       'MessageBox.Show("GL Updated Successfully!")
       WScript.Echo "GL Updated Successfully!"
   End Select
  WScript.Echo oGLPost.sLastErrorMsg & "nProcessReport Else Statement Fired!"
End If

Any help pointing me in the right direction is greatly appreciated!
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