SO VI Import not importing Quantity or Price



I've created a VI job to import Sales Orders.  All fields work perfectly with the exception of the Quantity and Price.  The import log shows both fields as blank, even though the amounts are in the selected columns.  I also tried setting the amounts as Assigned, when doing so the quantity did populate but the price did not.  Any ideas?

  • 0

    Are you saving as CSV for the import?  What does the raw CSV file look like in Notepad?  If your line comment text field includes commas, that will throw off column alignments (since VI does not sense the double-quotes wrapping fields the same way Excel does).

    If you type in the line manually are you receiving any pop-ups?

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Yes the file is in .CSV format.  I already checked for commas in the other columns which is not the case.  Typing in manually doesn't produce any pop-ups.

  • +1 in reply to Tim McKee
    verified answer

    There is a comma and line feed in your image, both of which will cause problems (although you may just have word wrap enabled while taking the image).

    The comma I have outlined in red is interpreted as the end of that column, with the next field interpreted as the double quote character instead of 4300.

    Change your column layout to put the numbers before your comment text and your problems may disappear.

  • +1 in reply to Tim McKee
    verified answer

    There is a comma and line feed in your image, both of which will cause problems (although you may just have word wrap enabled while taking the image).

    The comma I have outlined in red is interpreted as the end of that column, with the next field interpreted as the double quote character instead of 4300.

    Change your column layout to put the numbers before your comment text and your problems may disappear.
