VI Perform logic Error Log

Hello everyone,

I received existing import job with defined perform logic

The import job contains Command "CREATE_ERRORLOG" on Failure.

Сan anyone tell me where I can find this error log?

Also, Is there a link where listed all available commands with their descriptions?

Thanks in advance

Parents Reply Children
  • in reply to Kevin M

    Thanks BL, I may hit up Alnoor. Might even be worth the price of admission to the vaunted 90 Minds gang.

    Thanks Kevin, good old Slade Hornick, that's a blast from the past. I'll give that a shot.

  • in reply to rclowe

    You know VI Job logs are now nicely stored in the Activity Log?  Turn on a VI option, and it links the M4T... (new in v2022... for a couple versions the M4T copies were not-optional).

    DSD has (had?) a text file VI job log enhancement, but I expect they might have discontinued it when Sage added this feature.  It only included the first layer of the log (no drill down), where the Activity Log M4T is the full log.

  • in reply to Kevin M

    Thanks Kevin,

    I knew that, but I never knew there was a VI Options task. Let's see what that cat drags in.

    Also, VI1001 is still available from DSD. I have a 10 day demo version for 7.10 which I'm testing as well.