Surpress Blank Space when inserting images using OLE objects onto Picking Sheets


I figured out how to add images to our picking sheets, but not all items have images and those that don't leave a huge blank space where the image is supposed to be. Is there a way to "collapse" this space if there is no image associated with the product? 

I already have it set to suppress if there is no image file, using: 

formula = {CI_Item.ImageFile} = "" 

But it still leaves a big empty space. 

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to ixm7

    It's an image stored in the database (i believe), the images are OLE object and this is how I am pulling them into the picking sheet. I am not sure why it is using that "ALUMBF-96.jpg" placeholder .jpg name. The product in question has no associated image file. I am a novice at Crystal Reports, so perhaps I'll need to hand this off to an expert.
