Visual Integrator import into AP Manual Check Entry - Need to suppress invoices that do not already exist in AP_OpenInvoice


Running Sage 100 v2018 and have a VI import that brings in records into AP Manual Check Entry.  The client wants to suppress any invoices that are not in AP_OpenInvoice and be able to review the Import Log to see those invoices that were skipped.  This way the client can allow the invoices that are matched up to go through and only review the invoices that were not in the import file (manage by exception).  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • +1 in reply to Paul Smith - Bretthauer
    verified answer

    I initially experimented with forcing/overriding the lines selection criteria using perform logic on the "On Execution" event but thought that would prove problematic if you were using line selection criteria. 

    So then i started thinking about it another way.  Unfortunately, the invoice type isn't set until after the invoice number is assigned, which is after the condition on the field is evaluated so I couldn't put logic there.

    Instead, I tried another approach with the InvoiceComment field.  This accounts for if you are importing into the InvoiceComment field and/or using line selection criteria.

    Take the following fields for example.  Notice the InvoiceCOmment repeated twice.  The first occurrence is if you are importing it.

    The second occurrence is using a calculation that retrieves the InvoiceType into a variable and compares that variable using the TBL function.  If the InvoiceType equals "A", then the TBL function returns "Invoice Not On File".

    Here is the calculation.

    TBL(UCS(TBL(coBusiness'Lines'GetValue("InvoiceType$",temp.InvoiceType$)=1,temp.InvoiceType$,temp.InvoiceType$))=UCS("A"),{AP_ManualCheckDetail.InvoiceComment$},"Invoice Not On File")

    The InvoiceComment is then used in the line selection criteria.  

    If it equals "Invoice Not Of File", it is not selected.

    Here is the sample data I am importing.

    Here is the result.


  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    That is some beautiful work of art, David...if you are ever in the Portland, OR / Vancouver, WA area let me know...drinks will be on me!

  • And, as an FYI, it did work...perfectly!

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to Paul Smith - Bretthauer

    David is surly a Sage City MVP.

  • As mentioned earlier...this is working perfectly.  As I was testing the import process I realized the user would be able to import the same file a second time and the transactions would all come through.  On the Job Log under the L.InvoiceNo. filed I do get a message stating "The invoice #### is already paid.  Do you want to continue?"  Could I add additional information to the InvoiceComment Calculation to also skip these transactions?

  • 0 in reply to Paul Smith - Bretthauer

    You could, it sounds like that message is coming from coBusiness'Lines'LastErrorMsg$, i would see what coBusiness'Lines'LastErrorNum$ contains and then include an additional TBL function to see if there is a match and return a different "comment", such as "Invoice Paid Already" and had an additional select criteria.  Alternatively, if you don't care what gets written to the InvoiceComment for descriptive purposes, the existing calculation could be used but also add to the evaluation and just return "SKIP" if either condition is true and modify the select criteria.  However, since you would be using the LastErrorNum, you would have to reset it for every line read.  You could do potentially do this with perform logic added to the Before Assign event of the line's InvoiceNo field or embed it in a temp field configured as a line temp field that resets on each record and place it above the InvoiceNo field.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Unfortunately I don't have unlocking keys allowing me to view the code in ProvideX that would allow me to see the LastErrorMsg.

  • 0 in reply to Paul Smith - Bretthauer

    You don't need unlocking keys and you don't need to view any code.  LastErrorMsg$ is a common property for any object you can access with using BOI.  So just like I referenced coBusiness and coBusiness'Lines in the calculation, you can do the same thing from perform logic, conditional logic, and a calculated field's calculation.  However, it is a property that is set by the business object when it encounters a warning or failure but is not reset, only overridden the next time a warning or failure occurs.  This is why I have been stating that you would have to reset it prior so you can appropriately trap it a specific condition when it actually occurs and isn't a left over from a previous occurrence.  If you want to view the output of the Lines' LastErrorMsg$ property, just add a string temp field after the L.InvoiceNo field and have it reset on each record, make it a calculated field, then place coBusiness'Lines'LastErrorNum$ in the calculation field.  You can repeat this for another temp field but use coBusiness'Lines'LastErrorMsg$ in the calculation field.  Once you know what to look for in either property when an invoice is already paid, then you can include it in the other calculation but you still have to make sure you are resetting whichever property you end up checking, to do this, just set up before logic on the Before Assign event for the line's InvoiceNo field and use the following in the perform logic field.

    coBusiness'Lines'LastErrorNum$=""; coBusiness'Lines'LastErrorMsg$="" ! '

    When the perform logic command contains a single quote, the command gets executed as a ProvideX statement, if it doesn't, it is expected to point to a file that contains ProvideX code which gets PERFORM'd.  So whenever I want to execute a statement, I always place the ProvideX character to indicate a comment, which is the exclamation mark followed by a single quote.  Now in the above code example, because I am referencing properties of an object with the single quote, the command would be executed anyway, but if I wanted to override a variable or something, like Temp004$, there wouldn't be a single quote involved there so I would have to use the exclamation mark followed by the single quote so I just make it a habit to always include in for code meant to be executed.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    I ended up adding the coBusiness'Lines'LastErrorNum$ within a Temp field right after L.InvoiceAmt.  When I ran a test on the import file I noticed the Temp field is populated with: AP_ManualCheck_InvoiceBalance.X1.  How would I add this result into the existing L.InvoiceComment field that already has the "TBL(UCS(TBL(coBus..." information that is currently in place?  At this point I don't care what gets written to the InvoiceComment for descriptive purposes so I'd probably change the information to "SKIP"