Item Quantities on BM Detail


What is the best way, if even possible, to get item quantities for each line to display in the grid in BM Maintenance?

Even TotalQuantityOnHand would be fine. I made a sourced UDF but it only populates when the item code is validated.

Maybe a button script?

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  • +1 in reply to Brown0987
    verified answer

    I'd say QoH would be incomplete (where Available is the number that matters... yet is not stored in any table), and constantly at risk of being stale (as other transactions are posted), but you know what you want.

    I'd do a button script to loop through components, with pop-up of list of numbers, instead of trying to put the values in grid fields (where you run into grid display refresh issues).  The quantity values are point-in time, and a pop-up should always show real numbers for each click.

    An Excel query can do the same thing, with more values listed... and a simple Refresh All to bring in current numbers.