Does anyone know if you can add a UDF field in Inventory Maintenance that shows the date of the last price change?
Does anyone know if you can add a UDF field in Inventory Maintenance that shows the date of the last price change?
You can definitely add a date field UDF to the inventory maintenance file. Were you looking for it to populate somehow?
I would like to add a date field into the Inventory item maintenance screen master page IM_ITEM.M4L (if I right click on the screen I can see the name) so when I use VI to update StandardUnitPrice & StandardUnitCost I would have a date they were last updated. I would import the date with the data. The VI import for pricing updates is being accomplished via table CI_Item in CI_Item Master. When I open customizer and go to User defined field and table maintenance. The CI_ tables do not exist. For inventory I only see IM tables and no master. As you know you have to have the UDF defined prior to adding it to the screen. Any ideas?
Thanks for responding!
CI tables should always be in UDF / UDT maintenance.
After adding the fields there, you should see them in Customizer.
CI tables should always be in UDF / UDT maintenance.
After adding the fields there, you should see them in Customizer.
It would not have dawned on me to look in common information. Thank you!!
Yes, Item Master is in CI (merged into the same table as miscellaneous items many years ago).
Perfect Thank you!!
*Community Hub is the new name for Sage City