How to script an AP division number restriction in Invoice Data Entry?

I need to restrict certain divisions from use in AP Invoice Data Entry for certain roles. The division restriction is the challenge. One cannot use a Pre or Post Validate script on the VendorNo field as would be done in S/O with CustomerNo. Since VendorNo (and even InvoiceNo) are in the primary key, there is no Column PreValidate or PostValidate event.

The best idea that I've come up with is to use a PreValidate script on InvoiceDate. When InvoiceNo field is filled, the InvoiceDate field is automatically defaulted which will trigger a script. I can keep the invoice from being saved by clearing the InvoiceDate field and put up a message that "the specified vendor division is not allowed and the invoice cannot be saved". Subsequent changes to enter a valid InvoiceDate will also be rejected preventing the invoice from being saved.

This isn't a clean solutions and would appreciate if someone has a better idea.
