Creating a Time UDF with Default Value

Sage has built-in support for storing dates in a UDF by simply changing the "Data Type" to "Date". Then under default value, "<SystemDate>" to allow the date to be immediately filled upon new record creation.

Did they forget that dates are usually paired with a time?

Accounting would like to change up their manual process of approving orders to be released when a customer is over their credit limit. Creating a UDT to track these requests between sales and accounting is a reasonable step, except for the fact that there is not an easy way to timestamp these properly.

The idea is using a button script to create an entry on the UDT. The SystemDate is used to log the date, but time isn't as simple. I would like to avoid using a script to set the time based on the user's local conditions - mostly time zone issues come to mind. If I am required to use a script to set this UDF, is there a method to grab the SystemTime from Sage rather than using the user workstation's time?

If we can store the time, what is the best practice to convert it for using in the UI?