SQL statement in VI job linking to SOTAMAS90 as source file

I am using SOTAMAS90 as my source in an import and I need to sort the records before importing (AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader and I want to sort in InvoiceDate order, ascending).  How can I add that to the SQL statement?


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    For whatever reason I am getting an ODBC driver error when using the expected syntax of

    SELECT *
    FROM AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader
    ORDER BY InvoiceDate ASC

    (Sorting in DESC order works flawlessly, probably because the only index that contains the InvoiceDate - KEY9 - has the date sorted in DESC order)

    But when I add a generous date filter that dates back to the beginning of the century, it works.

    SELECT *
    FROM AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader
    WHERE InvoiceDate > { d '2000-01-01' }
    ORDER BY InvoiceDate ASC
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    For whatever reason I am getting an ODBC driver error when using the expected syntax of

    SELECT *
    FROM AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader
    ORDER BY InvoiceDate ASC

    (Sorting in DESC order works flawlessly, probably because the only index that contains the InvoiceDate - KEY9 - has the date sorted in DESC order)

    But when I add a generous date filter that dates back to the beginning of the century, it works.

    SELECT *
    FROM AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader
    WHERE InvoiceDate > { d '2000-01-01' }
    ORDER BY InvoiceDate ASC