Access Pass-Thru Query: Building ODBC Connection throws Reserved Error -1038

I have an Access application that pulls data from MAS 90 v4.3 via ODBC.  It uses both Linked Tables and Pass-Thru queries to retrieve data.  Linking the tables works fine and I can retrieve data... BUT.... when I set the ODBC connection info for the pass-thru question ( by clicking the ... button and building it ), the result throws an error:


Reserved error ( -1038 ); there is no message for this error.


I have tried using my custom ODBC connection and the default SOTAMAS90 and both throw the same error.


Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated...


Thanks in advance,


  • That means the ODBC connection string is too long.


    Try removing the views from it.



  • BillUnger wrote:

    .... when I set the ODBC connection info for the pass-thru question ( by clicking the ... button and building it ), the result throws an error:


    Reserved error ( -1038 ); there is no message for this error.



    Starting with v4.xx this ability broke. You have to manually enter in the connection string. It works fine once you do. Here is a sample connection string:




    Where XXX is the user ID, ABC is the company code and XYZ is the password. The rest will be based on your system. Note there is a | between the user ID and the company code.


    A very very important note is on the ODBC connection string, make sure that DirtyReads=1  and BurstMode=1 are NOT part of the string. It is critcial to omit these options in the connection string.


    Message Edited by BigLouie on 06-05-2009 12:07 PM
  • This did not "break" with 4.x; it is just that if the connection string is too long, Access won't take it.


    Here is the connection string to use if you want to copy it in:


    ODBC;DSN=SOTAMAS90;UID=XXX; Company=ABC; PWD=XYZ; Directory=\\serverBest\MAS200\Version4\MAS90\;SERVER=NotTheServer


    I believe the connection string BL put in will work, but in checking speed, I've found that using the "company" word instead of the pipe character next to the username is a faster connection string.  I'm not sure why that would be.

