Filter Inactive Items in BI Explorer


Is it possible to filter Inventory Items or Customers that have been set to Inactive from BI Explorer views?

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    verified answer

    Yes it is possible.

    For Inventory items in the Item view; from the Edit Menu use the Column Settings and add the InactiveItem column from IM_ProductLine to the Item View.  Then, from the Data Menu use the filter builder to create a filter for InactiveItem equals N.  This will filter the items to show only those that are not inactive.

    Same process for the Customer View.  From the Edit Menu use Column Settings to add the CustomerStatus column from AR_Customer to the Customer View.  Then, from the Data Menu use the filter builder to create a filer for CustomerStatus = A.  This will filter the Customers to show only those that are Active.



  • 0 in reply to Kent Mackall

    Thanks much.  I actually had to add the Inactiveitem from the CI-Item table, but that worked perfectly.  I was not aware how I could pull other fields into the Explorer view.