Sage 100 2015 - UDF Field not showing in the Selection Criteria for Invoice Printing

We have added a UDF to the SO_InvoiceWrk table (other UDFs existed and show in the selection criteria).  The UDF shows on the report but does not show in the selection list.  If we add the UDF as a parameter field it does not work (the parameter is ignored).  I have run the report using the Work Table (as per Big Louie) and it works correctly.

We just upgraded the client from V4.20 through V4.5 to V2015.  I have verified the database, etc.

Any ideas.

  • 0
    UDF in wrk table cannot be used in selection. They are only used for printing.
  • 0 in reply to Natasha Chang
    I added a UDF to the SO Invoice Header and don't see it in the database so I can add it to an invoice. How do I get it to appear? There is another UDF that I would like to add that will be a number that I'd like to use as a multiplier for a formula. Is that possible?
  • 0 in reply to melinda_b
    You need to add the UDF to the SO Invoice Work table.
  • 0 in reply to 49153

    So....through Custom Office? I misspoke when I said that I added it to Invoice Header--it's just SO Header. When I try to add it to SO Invoice Work, that is not available as a data source. Sorry for being so thick, but I was amazed that I got a UDF on the header, and that it did what I wanted it to.

    To clarify: we are using Sage 2016. I created a mulit-line UDF on SO Header that will consist of user-entered text. On tab 3 when creating it, I didn't choose any data sources.

  • 0 in reply to melinda_b
    The next step is to add the same UDF to SO Invoice Header in Custom Office. The UDF settings must match, i.e. the Data Type and Maximum Length (if Numeric). Look at how you setup the UDF on SO Sales Order Header then repeat on SO Invoice Header. When you create the SO Invoice Header UDF you need to click Data Sources, then select SO_Invoice_bus and select SalesOrderNo under Data Source, and then select your UDF under Column. What this will do is pull the UDF value from the SO when you create an invoice from a SO.
  • 0 in reply to 49153
    The next step is to add the same UDF to SO Invoice Work so that you can add it to your report. Business Object will be SO_InvoicePrinting_rpt, Data Source is SO_InvoiceHeader and Column is your UDF.
    Now edit the invoice report in Crystal and add your UDF to the report.
  • 0 in reply to 49153
    The next step is to add the same UDF to SO Invoice Work so that you can add it to your report. Business Object will be SO_InvoicePrinting_rpt, Data Source is SO_InvoiceHeader and Column is your UDF.
    Now edit the invoice report in Crystal and add your UDF to the report.