<Error: 548 in Method SETKEY> in script to create new GL account

Hi All,

I'm receiving the following error when attempting to create a new GL account using a BOI script.  The relevant code is below.  Any ideas what might be causing this?  I'm sure I have a syntax error somewhere..

<Error: 548 in Method SETKEY> is the error I'm receiving.

'create GL Account Business Object
retVal = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("GL_Account_ui"))
Set oGLObj = oScript.NewObject("GL_Account_bus", oSS)

strGLAcct = "123-00-00"

retVal = oGLObj.nSetKey(strGLAcct)

'Do not proceed if there was an error creating the GL Account
if retval = 0 then
CreateGL = "ERROR"

strRaw = replace(strGLAcct,"-","")

retVal = oGLObj.nSetKey("Account$", strGLAcct) '*****ERROR IS ON THIS LINE****
retVal = oGLObj.nSetValue("AccountDesc$", sAcctDescr)
retVal = oGLObj.nSetValue("RawAccount$", strRaw)
retVal = oGLObj.nSetValue("MainAccountCode$", sMainAccount)
retVal = oGLObj.nSetValue("Status$", "A")
retVal = oGLObj.nSetValue("ClearBalance$", "N")
retVal = oGLObj.nWrite()

End If