how do I add the email address from AR_CUST to open sales order report?


I am trying to add the email address field from the Customer Master File (AR_CUSTOMER) to the open sales order report so that as we ship items clients can get email with tracking number from our shipping software. I have attempted to add the ar_customer file to the Crystal Report and now all I get is a blank report. I linked the two files with customer number. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Richard Eiken

IT Support for Fairway Optical Products

  • 0
    verified answer
    Assuming you linked properly, what you describe should have worked. Kind of hard to diagnose without being able to see what you have done.

    An alternative to what you are doing is to go to Custom Office and add the e-mail address from ar_customer to the openSalesOrderWORK table. Then you have to go back to crystal and do a verify database on the report for the new UDF to show up. If you are not familiar with doing this, get your Sage Partner involved. He/she should be able to do that for you in a couple of minutes.
  • 0
    verified answer
    Assuming you linked properly, what you describe should have worked. Kind of hard to diagnose without being able to see what you have done.

    An alternative to what you are doing is to go to Custom Office and add the e-mail address from ar_customer to the openSalesOrderWORK table. Then you have to go back to crystal and do a verify database on the report for the new UDF to show up. If you are not familiar with doing this, get your Sage Partner involved. He/she should be able to do that for you in a couple of minutes.