• Adding a button to Sales Order Entry to print a specific picking sheet form type

    We have different types of picking sheets that we use and print multiple types per sales order. Everyone always forgets to change the form code so we waste a ton of paper. Is there a way to add another button to the Sales Order Entry page to open up a…
  • Questions relative to invokelookup

    Hello, I am trying to write a script for lookup button in order to pull the salesperson data. I only want to pull the salesperson data whose division number is “00”. How can I pass ARDivisionNo as parameter? Here is the script which I am working on…
  • Questions on InvokeLookup

    Hello, I have create a UDF called Item code in Cash Receipt detail table and add it on the Grid. I want to create a Button script using the invokelookup which will fire off the item code list and can select the item code from the list, then set the…
  • Scripting Helper Documentation

    Hi all, I thought I'd re-post this document for all my scripting folks. Happy scripting?! ScriptingPlus-v170.docx Thanks Elliott
  • I want to start using customizer and Custom Office to be able to email forms to multiple people within a company, where do I start?

    I have been using MAS since 1987, but have never used the above features. With the demands of customers lately I need to be able to email a variety of forms to multiple people within a company. Right now it is taking way too long to scan documents in…
  • UI Script properties for control types

    Hi All, Is there a list of the properties for the various control types? I am trying to work with Text labels using oUIObj.SetControlProperty(ctlName, propertyName, value),. I would like to hide labels based upon data on the screen to display the…
  • Error for some users when running script

    Hi All, We have setup a button script to check Sales Order lines to make sure that the minimum order quantity has been entered. When myself or an IT user runs it, it works fine (running from workstation - not the server). When an end user runs it…
  • Customizer Export Wizard

    I am trying to run the Customizer Export/Import Wizard and I receive the following error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Detect data entry source (UI, BOI, etc...) in User Defined Script

    Is it possible to detect the interface that calls a UDS (i.e. UI, BOI, VI, etc...) and change the way the script behaves because of that? For example, when using the UI, we might want a message box displayed, but would not when using the BOI. My use…
  • Does anyone have a USD to bypass the Module Option for specific user role?

    I am looking for a USD to fire up and ignore the user role for a specific user whose role does not "Allow Price override in S/O Data Entry" (module option" tab of Role Maintenance) and actually enables the user to change the unit price.
  • Adding role to a user based on divisions

    I have a client that would like to allow users to set the prices for only one division (70). For all the other divisions, they want the user to have to find someone else with override permissions. I know that in role maintenance, you can give users access…