
How do I install via group policy either msi or scripted?

Posted By FormerMember

I need to know how to automate the workstation install.

What are the exe or msi switches for the installer. including settings, silent, etc. 

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    Here is what we use. change <PathToMas90Folder> to your path. You can make a batch file and run it with Group Policy.

    @echo off

    echo Installing Prerequisites
    "<PathToMas90Folder>\wksetup\Prerequisites\VC 2005 SP1 Redist\vcredist_x86.exe" /Q
    "<PathToMas90Folder>\wksetup\Prerequisites\VC2010\Setup.exe" /q
    "<PathToMas90Folder>\wksetup\Prerequisites\VSTO 2010 Runtime\vstor40_x64.exe" /q
    "<PathToMas90Folder>\wksetup\Prerequisites\MsSqlServerCE\SSCERuntime_x64-ENU.msi" /q
    "<PathToMas90Folder>\wksetup\Prerequisites\SQLNativeClient\x64\sqlncli.msi" /q IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES

    echo Installing Sage 100 2017
    echo This window will close when the installation is complete.

    msiexec /i "<PathToMas90Folder>\wksetup\Sage 100 2017 Workstation.msi" /q /l c:\windows\temp\sage100Install.log SAGEPORTID=<port> SAGESERVERNAME=<ServerName> SRCSERVERPATH="<PathToMas90Folder>" INSTALLDIR="C:\SAGE\Sage 100 Adv v2017\MAS90\" ADOBEACROBATINSTALLED=0