Sage 100 integration PVX errors reference list?


I have a client that uses Sage 100 and we've developed a product using Sage 100 integration for work orders. Lately we've been seeing Integration work order errors like this:

"Error in D:\Sage\Sage 100 Advanced\MAS90\SY\SY_SDataServer.pvc at line 1362, Method ServeCommon2, PVX Error code 95, OS Error code"


"Error in D:\Sage\Sage 100 Advanced\MAS90\SY_SDataServer.pvc at line 1413, Method ServeCommon3, PVX Error code 95, OS Error code Type mismatch: 'oSession.AsObject' (err/ret=2/0)"

Our developers have figured out what caused these specific errors and how to address them, but our client is asking for a list of what these different Sage integration errors mean. I've tried searching Sage support but I'm not finding a simple list with possible meanings or general error code handling/support. Does such a list exist?

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