latest updates

Where can I find the latest updates for Sage 100?

From the Sage Knowledgebase, by clicking My downloads / Sage 100, a screen opens that indicates the latest updates.

However, the latest updates column does not have a link for Payroll, the 2019 tax tables, or the 2018 Year-End IRD.

Would be nice to have access to all of the actual latest updates on one screen, without having to scroll through the announcements forum.

  • 0

    I agree completely.  The current platform seems to be maintained manually, and things get missed.  A permanent, all-in-one page with all downloads related to each version, would be appreciated.  Complaining and having links updated one by one seems so... 1990's.

  • 0

    I agree completely.  The current platform seems to be maintained manually, and things get missed.  A permanent, all-in-one page with all downloads related to each version, would be appreciated.  Complaining and having links updated one by one seems so... 1990's.
