Have seen several problems with Adobe Reader DC lately...


I believe the problems are happening after some Windows updates.

The problem starts with "Unable to Process the lock file" errors when printing journals and registers (trying to create PDF files for Paperless Office).

The solution I have been using is enabling the Sage 100 icon's "run as administrator" option.  

The next problem occurs when the PDF file simply does not open after clicking print for a journal or register.

In fact, when trying to open any PDF file, the file simply does not open.

To fix this issue, I have uninstalled Adobe Reader DC and installed Adobe Reader X.

I am fairly sure this problem has been on Windows 10 computers, and I'm not sure if the issue will also happen on Windows 7 workstations.

Has anyone else seen these problems recently?  If so, what are you doing to resolve these issues?

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    Yes, the Windows 10 updates often create issues with Paperless Office.

    To fix the lock problem:

    • Within Sage: File>Run>pl_advancedoptions_ui
    • Select "Install Converter"
    • Select "Test Converter" to verify it is fixed

    This works every time for me.

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    Regedit to fix the permissions, so the Paperless key can be re-created.

    Then workstation repair... to reinstall the converter object with registry key.

    We get many many many calls about this each month and wish a permanent solution could be put in place (...store the registry key somewhere M$ does not wipe them out with Windows Updates?).