Broadcast message locking clients


Sage 100

We have a mixed environment running clients on terminal servers and local sage installs.

Recently, last 6 months or so, we been getting more complaints about client machines locking up when a broadcast message is sent from the console.

Read the thread on large monitors, but in our case the dialog box is always visible.

Any insights on causes would be sweet.


  • 0

    Are you sure the dialog box is always visible?

    Are the users who experience the "locking up" working with more than one monitor at some point and then working with a singe monitor when the "locking up" occurs?

    I've noticed that sage 100 tasks are notoriously bad at determining the correct monitor to appear on when going from using it with two monitors to one monitor because it only seems to check the user and workstation combination's last window position regardless of whether or not the monitor is still connected.

    So if the user ever moved the windows to a disconnected monitor, that is where they will attempt to appear.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Users are seeing the dialog. Regarding the large monitors or multiple monitors; is it the sender or receiver monitor arrangement that is notorious?

    Also, but possibly related. Has the [x] Span Task user preference setting ever been tied to this issue?

    I will keep testing.
