Get quantity of some Components shipped



I'm trying to use MS Query to get quantity of some Components shipped to each country in past years.

I am able to get such list of data for Items using tables of AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader/Detail. How can I get to quantity of Component then? I assume I need to access the table of BM_BillHeader/Detail but wondering how can join them with AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader/Detail taking into consideration of the Revision field of BM. Would someone please give me advice?



  • +1
    verified answer

    In the AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail table there is a field: ExplodedKitItem  If the value is "C" then it was a component on a kit and you would use the quantity field to get what you need. Link Header and Detail and you should be able to get the data you need.

  • +1 in reply to BigLouie
    verified answer

    Exactly, but that only works if the kit was exploded (not pre-assembled). 

    If the items were lot/serial you could probably link to Production history to pull the components used, but otherwise I don't believe there is a way to absolutely know what components were used to build a finished good that was sold on a specific invoice.

  • +1 in reply to BigLouie
    verified answer

    Exactly, but that only works if the kit was exploded (not pre-assembled). 

    If the items were lot/serial you could probably link to Production history to pull the components used, but otherwise I don't believe there is a way to absolutely know what components were used to build a finished good that was sold on a specific invoice.
