Export and import default delimiter


I apologize if this is the wrong place and/or if this has been asked before. I have searched and having found it. I'm looking to change the default delimiter for Visual Integrator from comma to semicolon as we have lots of uses for commas in descriptions and none for semicolons. I have looked around in Sage but I may not be looking in the right places. Is this possible or do I have to change each import/export job individually. Also, is there a way to get Sage to add a specific line to the beginning of each export? Thank you for any help you can provide me about this.

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    verified answer

    the TAB character makes for a good delimiter most of the time as well. You can use it by checking the "Use ASCII" option further to the right of the Delimiter field and then enter a "9" in the field to the left of the "Use ASCII" option.

    As for your question about the export and adding a line, what are you trying to write to the first line?

    If you just want column headers, on a VI Export, there is an Options button that will bring up a list of checkboxes with one of them being to export column headers. If you want something else, you could use a temp field added to the very top of the list of fields with the Assign operation and specify what you want exported on the first line within double quotes followed by +CHR(13)+CHR(10) in the Calculation field and set the Condition to RecordTotal=1. This should make it so the contents of the temp field will only be exported when the first record is ran and as long as it is before any other fields, it should be the first thing written to the file, the +CHR(13)+CHR(10) is there to create a new line so the remaining fields aren't appended to the first line.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck


    Thank you for the information. Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. I'm trying to get a line added to the export to tell Excel that I'm using a different delimiter than the default comma, i.e. "sep=;". The reason for this is because we have to use commas in item descriptions and, when using the comma as a delimiter, causes other rows to have excess double quotes when trying to flag the description field. Not sure if I'm explaining that properly. I'm trying to make bulk changes to certain fields in the CI_Item table.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck


    Thank you for the information. Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. I'm trying to get a line added to the export to tell Excel that I'm using a different delimiter than the default comma, i.e. "sep=;". The reason for this is because we have to use commas in item descriptions and, when using the comma as a delimiter, causes other rows to have excess double quotes when trying to flag the description field. Not sure if I'm explaining that properly. I'm trying to make bulk changes to certain fields in the CI_Item table.
