Exporting data through a VI job where a numeric field may be zero (0) but need it to show as 0.00.


Client is running Sage 100 v2018.  Tried PRC(AP_InvoiceHeader04.DiscountAmt,2) in the numeric field - Calculation but that doesn't seem to change anything. The numeric mask is ###,###,###.00- but if the DiscountAmt being exported is 0, it's not showing on the export file as 0.00.

Thank you

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Let me ask you one more question...and don't feel obligated to answer since the above options looked rather complicated...how would the calculation look if I was calculating off a temp field (one other field that needs to have the 0.00 format is a calculation of AP_OpenInvoice01.InvoiceAmt - AP_OpenInvoice01.DiscountAmt.  I tried substituting the Temp006 where you have AP_InvoiceHeader04.DiscountAmt but that didn't work and it might be due to the TBL() function.
