Sage100 Production Management Crystal Report for Work Ticket Traveler


I am looking to add the Routing (now Template) description to my printed Work Ticket Traveler.  I want it to appear in a header section of the crystal report.  The routing description is now step 000000 of the route instead of its own field.  How do I get the step description for only step 000000 to appear in the header?

Also, I currently have a filter setup to remove step 000000 so it doesnt appear in the details section of the traveler.  How do i keep it from appearing in the details but allow it to be in the header?


  • +1
    verified answer

    When you say filter, are you referring to record selection or detail suppression formula?

    If record selection, you need to change it to detail suppression formula.  Then create two formulas, one to hold the step description but only when the step number is equal to "000000" and another to get the maximum value from the first formula in the grouping on the work ticket number.

    If {JT_WorkTicketWrk.StepNo} = "000000" Then {JT_WorkTicketWrk.StepDescription} Else ""

    Maximum({@StepDesc}, {@WorkTicketNo})

    There are other ways to do it, like a sub-report but I think the above is example is the simplest and easiest to implement.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Thanks David, I was able to get the Description to populate in the header as you show.  I was using the record selection filter and through some trial and error i got the formatting correct with the details suppression you suggested using the code {JT_WorkTicketWrk.StepNo} = "000000" in all the details sections and the section headers/footers to remove extra lines and spaces.

    Thanks for the help!

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Thanks David, I was able to get the Description to populate in the header as you show.  I was using the record selection filter and through some trial and error i got the formatting correct with the details suppression you suggested using the code {JT_WorkTicketWrk.StepNo} = "000000" in all the details sections and the section headers/footers to remove extra lines and spaces.

    Thanks for the help!

  • 0 in reply to Ryan OHara

    Just make sure you never have materials on step "000000" if you commit to using that. 

    Also, now that I think about it, you may have been able to instead put the filter in group selection instead of section suppression but my initial thought was to make sure you weren't also preventing legitimate sections from display if you have materials on step "000000" but if you do, you should also be able to check for a non null and non blank value in the ComponentItemCode field.