Why am I forced to convert test company data after an upgrade?


Note: this is more of a "why" question, not related to this thread (which was an enhancement conversion bug).

When upgrading a customer system (currently v2020 Premium to v2022.2 Premium), we bring along test company codes so user permissions (to their correct test company) are retained.  After the upgrade, I converted all the Live company data, which took HOURS to process, and skipped converting the test company data... planning to just refresh them with fresh copies of the converted Live data.

However, I am blocked from refreshing test company data without converting.

Why?  This seems like a complete waste of time, since I am about to wipe out everything in the test company codes.  Yes, I could remove a bunch of modules and decrease the processing time, but I have about a dozen test companies to go through, and the GL module (mandatory) is often the biggest data set... not to mention rushing through a series of module removals is not something I want to do routinely.

Obviously this error (checking conversion status before copying) was purposefully programmed for a reason.  I'm just curious what that reason is.

(BTW, I really like the company type filters on the bulk conversions... a big help for sure.)

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    Seems like you did this in the wrong order and are just annoyed.You aren't even looking for answer.That's a parallel migration, why the additional company? I did that same Premium upgrade last year.Yeah,major PITA.. Just delete it and remove it from SY_Company(?). Drop the test company database

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    I feel your pain, and also wish it would just "warn you" and give an option to carry on.  For companies that have specific test roles for specific users, dropping the test company and having to create from scratch is bothersome.  

  • 0 in reply to StefanouM

    Indeed.  I generally like to get everything done at the same time, so users can use the test companies on day 1 if they want to play with any of the new features... but when it's after 1am, I'm not waiting for the test companies to convert then copy, so I just do it later.

  • 0 in reply to pmaldonato

    I've done this many times and know I am doing things correctly.

    Deleting and re-creating the company codes would lose the user permissions to their specific test company.  Those are stored by CompanyKey, not the three letter company code.  Doing the conversion then copy is a fraction of the effort involved in replacing the permissions (for dozens of users, to about a dozen test companies), so your suggestion is not helpful.

  • +1 in reply to Kevin M
    verified answer

    FYI, I've exchanged emails with Sage, and their reasoning is that you can Copy individual modules, causing problems if the starting data doesn't have the new table / column structure... which makes perfect sense.

    My own thought (after posting) is that, for a migration from Standard / Advanced, the initial company conversion is what creates the MAS_### database in SQL, so checking for company conversion status will prevent issues with that scenario too.

    A couple thoughts came out of the email exchange, and I'll post an Idea with details when I have time to think it through properly.  When done I will post a link here so anyone interested can vote.

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    Before allowing any refresh, the system needs to ensure that the test companies are in a compatible state. Skipping conversion could lead to version mismatch issues, especially if there are structural changes (e.g., table schemas, new fields) between versions. Converting ensures that the data is in the correct format to prevent any potential corruption or conflicts when live data is copied over. Additionally, incorporating CRM data enrichment processes during conversion can enhance the quality and accuracy of the data, ensuring that enriched data is aligned with the updated schema and preventing inconsistencies when merging live and test data.

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    If you watch the conversion process, you'll see the data get converted to each Sage 100 version, on it's way to your current version.

    They are represented by 5.1, 5.2 etc....onward to 7.###

    So during our current Sage 2014 to Sage 2023 conversion runs, we see several loops through the code that updates each version, then the code repeats

    for each additional version until it ends on your final selected Sage 100 upgrade edition.

    Our conversion takes about 10 hours to complete. But it works.