Switching 32-bit to 64-bit (Advanced / Premium service)


We have a v2021 Advanced customer trying to switch to 64-bit (due to the intermittent Win 11 DTR posting issue), and there is an error when trying to start the service after the change.

A colleague had a local v2021 Premium system to test with, and received a similar error after changing to 64-bit.

Looking at the service, it was still set to run pvxwin32.exe... so we tried running the service in Application mode, which worked.  Then, wanting to fix the Windows Service, we tried removing it... but a reboot was needed for that to actually work.  Re-adding it, we can see that it's now set to run pvxwin64.exe, which starts without error.


For Advanced / Premium, when changing between 32-bit and 64-bit, is re-creating the Windows Service in this way correct and necessary?  (We couldn't find any reference to this step in the Sage instructions / documentation).

  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi Kevin, thank you for reporting this.

    Yes, if running the Application Server as a service, then the Windows Service will need to be re-created when changing between 32 and 64 bit.
    I will get these steps documented.

    1. Use the Uninstall Sage 100 Application Server Service shortcut to delete the existing service (a reboot may be necessary to complete this step).
    2. Re-create the service using the Sage 100 Application Server Service Setup shortcut.

    Thank you!