Sage 2018 and Fixed Assets 2023

Just upgraded Fixed Assets to 2023 for a client and they are still using Sage 2018 (in the process of upgrading to 2023 just waiting for a new server) and now they cannot print in Sage or in Fixed Assets.  Getting this error.  

Report file C:
Sage Software
GL_DetailReportCondensed.rpt is not found or does not exist. The type initializer for CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engle.CRPE threw an exception.

In Fixed Assets the is
The type initalizer for CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engle.CRPE threw an exception.

I know that with older versions of Sage and FAS there was a file to install and copying the pvxwin32.exe.config to the old version resolved the error.  I cannot find anything on Sage's KB regarding the Crystal Conflict with FAS and Sage.  Any suggestions?  

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    Pvxwin32.exe.config is located in the home directory. re-running workstation setup should resolve the printing issue in Sage 100.

    Open up the config file. the first few lines should match the text below.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" />
    <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/>
    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
    <assemblyIdentity name="CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine" publicKeyToken="692fbea5521e1304" culture="neutral"/>
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="13.0.2000.0" newVersion="13.0.3500.0"/>


    if the text does not match, locate another Pvxwin32.exe.config file from another "2018" workstation. 

    When the client moves to Sage 100 2023, install PU1 (July 20) for compatibility with Sage Fixed assets 2023.

    Sage Fixed Assets 2023 and Sage 100 2023 both install the Crystal Runtime SP 30. 

    John Nichols


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    Tried that and it didn't work.  Tried to reinstall wksetup and still got the same errors in FAS and Sage when printing.  I created a support case with Sage and they had me install the Crystal Runtime 32 bit from the Sage 2023 prereqs then uninstall FAS and reinstall FAS and it resolved the print errors in both.