Hello, I have been asked to copy the Report Setting that a specific employee that is no longer with the company had created and to bring it to the main company's account. The reason for this being is that the company's account, for some reason, is printing checks improperly and it is believed to be caused by incorrect print settings. All that shows up after trying to print a Manual Check Printing is the report setting called STANDARD. There is the option to search for a specific report setting, but there was a multitude of settings and none of which resembled the employee's name.
To check what the employee has on their account, I logged into it and went through the same pathway to create a test check. When I got to the Manual Check Printing window, I clicked on the spyglass next to Form Code to see what other options he has, and two of them came up in the Report Setting List, STANDARD and CUSTOM. The CUSTOM one is the one that I want to copy or at the very least be able to Edit it to see what he did differently in order to print checks correctly. However, there was no option from right clicking on the CUSTOM Form Code or any visible button within the window that would get me to edit it.
If anyone has any sort of experience with coping or transferring Form Codes from one account to another, I would greatly appreciate any advice. Screenshot below of what Form Codes the company's account has, and just need to add in the CUSTOM one from the other employee's account.