SY_Country code: 2 digit or 3 digit?

We are in the middle of a parallel upgrade of our Sage MAS 90 4.5 company accounting system to Sage 100 2023 Premium.

This is an upgrade that goes from 4.5 SP 7 to 4.5 SP 8 to 2018 to 2023 Premium.

It appears that during the migration and conversion, our SY_Country table now has 3 digit country codes, in addition to the 2 digit codes that we have been using.

Do we need to transition to 3 digit country codes in the 2023 system?

thank you in advance for any advice you can provide.

best wishes, Kristin

  • 0

    Zip Codes now include country code as part of the primary key.  A zip code needs the system record, in the address' country code, for it to be accepted by Sage 100.  Using 3 digit codes allows you to benefit from the Sage provided USA zip code list (and the Canada list of postal codes, if you chose to install them).

    2-Digit country codes work in Sage 100, but a mix just makes things more confusing.  We generally recommend using 3-digit country codes (updating existing addresses, and removing the 2 digit country codes), to benefit from the Sage lists, but the choice is yours.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    good morning, i didn't realize that it's possible to install the Canada list of postal codes! Thanks for the tip.

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