Sage 100ERP Processes not shutting down when stopping server.

Is it normal to have between 5 and 10 pvxwin32.exe processes still running after I stop and close the Application Server?  I wrote a batch file to kill them all at once, but I wonder if there is something wrong.



  • 0 in reply to BigLouie

    Wow..thanks for the detailed answer! ;)

    It really is amazing.  If this was any other software, this would be considered a major bug, but for Sage it is completely normal.  This is true of most of these types of software packages I have worked with.

    It seems the more expensive they are, the worse the programming is!

    Everything I know I learned from watching Star Trek

  • 0 in reply to lptadmin

    Well you asked if was normal, which is a simple Yes or No and I said Yes.

    It is normal in the client/server version to have "run away" processes that just will not die. Your only option is to use the Task Manager and kill the processes that you can identify.  You can try to use the Master Console in MAS to kill processes.  This works sometimes. However a lot of times the only way to kill the orphaned or ghost processes is to stop the Application Server or Service and manually kill the processes you see still running.  There is one person who might be able to give you a more detail answer and that would be the Luke Skywalker of MAS, Alnoor Cassim

  • 0

    Hi, The open pvxwin32 sessions on the server most likley represent open client sessions.  Are you logging client sessions out prior to closing the app server?  Prior to closing the app server check the sessions tab to view current client connections. There is logic built in to keep open sessions should the server fail/close, the client can continue to process that particular session but not start new sessions.   What version of Sage 100 Advanced are you running? Thanks John

  • 0 in reply to jcnichols

    We are running 4.40 PU 10 Sage 100 ERP.  The users always log out of the software and out of WindowsXP every night.  I always check that there are no active connections before I kill the server.  I figured it was not that big a deal as it was the same way back in 4.05.  There were a lot fewer left open to kill on that system.

    There must be a timeout somewhere that tells these processes how long to stay open.

  • 0 in reply to lptadmin

    One tool I have used to identify Sage 100 processes is Microsoft's Process Explorer.  This is a free download from Microsoft's TechNet.

    Look at the command line of one of the pvxwin32.exe processes in question.  For 4.40 it will look like this:

    "C:\Sage\4.40\mas90\Home\pvxwin32.exe" ../launcher/sota.ini ../soa/SY_StartUp.M4P -DR=../home -ARG 120000001 9828835032 132944 ABC

    Look at the -ARG 120000001 9828835032 132944 ABC

    The first argument is the TaskID (120000001 in this case is Sales Order Entry)

    You can use Data File Display and Maintenance to look up this ID number is SY_Task.M4T.  It is the Primary Key.

    The second argument is the Security Key (9828835032 in this case)

    The third is used by the launcher (132944 in this case)

    The forth is the company ID (ABC in this case)

  • 0 in reply to Rich Garrett

    Not sure if you are still having this problem, I have seen it on a few clients in the past and there are some configuration settings that usually can resolve it.  Let us know if it still is happening.

  • 0 in reply to VanMan

    "The users always log out of the software and out of WindowsXP every night." Not in my experience. If a user "crashes" out of MAS, they'll leave an orphan process on the server. Not a bug, just a very robust process.


    MAS200 V4.4.8