CorporateTaxOverrd and DepositCorporateTaxOverrd

I'm having problems using VI to update Sales Order and Invoice files that contain the following fields: CorporateTaxOverrd and DepositCorporateTaxOverrd. These fields appear blank in older records and all set to "N" in newer records, but I can't find much info on exactly what these fields are used for, how they get set, and why my VI jobs crash.

Any information that anybody knows about these fields would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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  • 0 in reply to BigLouie

    That's why my import fails, because both fields seem to be required. Records that have a value in both fields update correctly, regardless if I do or don't list those fields in the data import. Records that have these fields blank generate the error "HS Record Invalid or Write Failed. The Corporate Tax Overridden is required. The Deposit Corporate Tax Overridden is required." I've tried importing "N" into each field, but that just gives me the same error. I'm not adding any records, merely updating UDFs in current records.

  • 0 in reply to rslimmer

    Those fields are related to credit card payment.  I just tested VI import on  I was able to import "N" into those fields.