Sage User Detail Report?

Is there anyway (via report or custom lookup) that I would be able to retrieve the following information:

User Code

Date Created

Last Login



  • 0

    Using Crystal

    SY_USER does not seem to have a creation date.  So my guess would be no for that.

    SY_ACTIVITYLOG (if you have it set to track log ins) could get you the last login   Filter the LogDescription for "User Successfully Authenticated"

    Note that in version 2015 you should have some ability to sort and filter the log without using crystal.

  • 0

    Using Crystal

    SY_USER does not seem to have a creation date.  So my guess would be no for that.

    SY_ACTIVITYLOG (if you have it set to track log ins) could get you the last login   Filter the LogDescription for "User Successfully Authenticated"

    Note that in version 2015 you should have some ability to sort and filter the log without using crystal.
