Is it possible to override the warranty expiration date at order entry?

We have the need to enter custom warranty expiration dates when we ship warranty replacements / repairs. It appears there is some functionality in ERP 100 for this, but I've been unable to determine how to enable it. I've searched help, the module overview PDFs, and the internet at large and come up empty-handed.

Here's what I know:

1) There exists an option in role maintenance titled "Allow Warranty Override in S/O and R/A Data Entries" under Module Options > Sales Order

2) There exists a field in SO_SalesOrderDetail named "ExpirationOverridden" adjacent to the WarrantyCode and ExpirationDate fields. The File Layout info in help describes this as a Yes/No field with no other documentation.

3) Enable Warranty Tracking is enabled in Inventory Management Options.

However, I've found that manually setting the ExpirationOverridden field to 'Y' and ExpirationDate to something other than the default for the item's default warranty option, does not seem to feed these values through to SO_InvoiceDetail when using invoice data entry or shipping data entry.

I would love to be able to utilize a built-in solution to this problem before resorting to other options. Is there one?