set Payment type based Division number


I have a VI import job and I want to set the payment type to be "CHECK" if the division is "01" and "WEB" for anything else.  I have read a few posts and seems I need to do something with Temp fields, I'm not sure exactly what to do with the Temp fields and how and where to use them with a conditional statement.  Thanks for any help.

  • 0
    verified answer
    Have a temp field reading the division field. This should be the very first field. Then you will have two Payment Type fields. On both the operand will be Assign and on one it will be "CHECK" on the condition the Temp field is 01 and on the other it is "WEB" on the condition the Temp field is <> to 01
  • 0 in reply to BigLouie
    Thank you! That gave me enough to get it working. I am going to list a few more details in case it helps anyone else.

    Field Name Operation Col/Pos Msk/Val
    H.Temp003 REPL 00002
    H.PaymentType ASSN CHECK (Conditional: Temp003$="01")
    H.PaymentType ASSN WEB (Conditional: Temp003$<>"01")

    I was not sure what would happen with multiple Assigns to the same filed. I just comes through the import as "not assigned". Also was not sure where the value I wanted should go and it goes into the default field.