100C Payroll Records: Overtime for Payroll and Costing, 40 hour week

For our company, overtime starts after 40 hours, rather than accruing daily after 8 hours. This means that our employees accrue all their overtime towards the end of the week - with Friday, and any weekend work, often being exclusively overtime pay for many employees. When entering payroll, this will create a consistent, disproportionate costing burden on any end of week / weekend jobs - i.e. it will make it seem like these jobs aren't earning near the money as other jobs as they are all being heavily costed at overtime labor rates.

Our big picture will still show us net profitability on a macro scale, but this will seriously hamper our ability to understand job costs in the micro / at the level of individual jobs.

Anyone else out there working on a 40 hour work week model that has any solutions for distributing Costs more proportionately without disrupting overtime entry for employee payroll?