Sage 100 2018 - payroll checks - crystal reports - how do they do it?


This isn't really a problem but a curiosity and a kudo to whoever figured this out.

Just went in to update the customizations on payroll checks and noticed that the design looks entirely different under 2018 (I like it!).

Previously payroll checks had a design that looked like this:






and the various sections would be suppressed based on how your check types -  STUB STUB CHECK,   STUB CHECK STUB,  CHECK STUB STUB.  This was always a bit painful because you would have to do the customizations on each stub.

The 2018 format looks like this.



Admittedly it's just a bit more complex than that, but it makes customizing much easier.

My mystery is how on earth does it actually manage to print a check in STUB CHECK STUB  or STUB STUB CHECK format?    I've been studying the design and for the life of me can't figure out how the stub gets printed above the check section.   I'm guessing it must have something to do with the new Crystal 2016 version?  Got to be something hiding in the options somewhere.

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  • 0 in reply to barbgold

    I've run into an issue with the new layout - many of our clients print on blank check stock using the Stub/Check/Stub arrangement and has the large stub on top (the reverse of the standard form layout)..  They use the same check stock for both AP & PR checks.  I haven't found a way to make the new form layout work, as I can't adjust the placement of the bottom stub.  In other words, if I adjust the # of stub lines to get the top stub and check face to fit, the bottom stub prints in the check face section.  Is there a way to address this issue?
