I have 2 clients who both have the same issue after updating to PR2.19.3  Bank  Dep Amount and YTD info are blank or 0

  • 0

    This was reported this morning and kb 100181 was written by the analyst that assisted.  Our engineering team is reviewing the situation at this time.  

  • +1
    verified answer


    The issue affects Direct Deposit stubs - not P/R Checks. 

    There is no data corruption or missing data.

    The issue was caused by the inclusion of Employer Contributions in the DD stub printing PR2.19.3

    To work around the issue there are 2 options:

    Option 1

    Print Stubs using the "Standard" form code. If the standard form code has been modified see Option 2

    Option 2

    Click the Designer Button on the Direct Deposit Stub Printing Dialog

    Click The Field Explorer button from the Crystal Designer Tool Bar

    Expand the Formula Fields node

    Scroll down to LineAmount

    Remove the existing formula and replace it with the formula below - Click Save and Close

    Select case {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.LineType}
        case "1" ' Earnings code amount
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.EarningsPayAmt}
        case "2" ' Tax amount
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.TaxAmt}
        case "3" ' Deduction amount
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.DeductionPayAmt}
        case "4" ' Employer Contribution amount
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.EmployerContributionPayAmt}
        case "5" ' Direct deposit amount
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.DistributionAmt}
    End select

    Stay in Formula Fields

    Scroll down to LineAmountYTD

    Remove the existing formula and replace it with the formula below - Click Save and Close

    ' Year to date amounts
    Select case {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.LineType}
        case "1" ' Earnings amount
            if {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.PrintEarningsPayAmtYTD} = "Y" then
                formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.EarningsPayAmtYTD}
            end if
        case "2" ' Tax amount
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.TaxAmtYTD}
        case "3" ' Deduction amount
            if {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.PrintDeductionPayAmtYTD} = "Y" then
                formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.DeductionPayAmtYTD}
            end if
        case "4" ' Employer Contribution amount
            if {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.PrintEmployerContribPayAmtYTD} = "Y" then
                formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.EmployerContributionPayAmtYTD}
            end if
        case "5" ' Direct deposit amount
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.DistributionAmtYTD}
    End select

    Stay in Formula Fields

    Scroll down to LineDetailDesc

    Remove the existing formula and replace it with the formula below - Click Save and Close

    select case {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.LineType}
        case "1" ' Earnings code description
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.EarningsDesc}
        case "2" ' Tax description
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.LineTaxDesc}
        case "3" ' Deduction code description
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.DeductionDesc}
        case "4" ' Employer Contribution description
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.EmployerContributionDesc}
        case "5" ' Direct Deposit Bank description
            formula = {PR_CheckPrintingWrk.DirectDepositBankDesc}
    end select

    File Save

    Exit the Crystal Designer.

    Direct Deposit check amounts and direct deposit YTD will now print on the forms.


    John Nichols


  • 0 in reply to Linda KR

    I hope they don't change it again.  I have already updated multiple clients forms.