Crystal Report formula for Group Summary Job Cost question


Hi there,

Trying to recreate a report from legacy job cost with new job cost and not able to duplicate a formula.

Old Legacy formula: if Sum ({JC1_JobMaster.JTDInvoiceBilled})=0 then 0 else
(Sum ({@JTD Gross Profit})/Sum ({JC1_JobMaster.JTDInvoiceBilled}))*100

New Formula: If Sum ({JC_JobBillingHistory.InvoiceBilled}, {JC_Job.JobNo})=0 then 0 else Sum ({@JTD Gross Profit} / Sum ({JC_JobBillingHistory.InvoiceBilled}, {JC_Job.JobNo})*100

It does not like my "else"

Hopefully I am missing somethng simple here...

Thank you,

Erin Slight smile

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