Payroll email location in files


So.  I have a client who wants just a simple Crystal report to print the employee and the email address used for their DD stubs.

I find an email field in PR_Employee, PR_EmployeePIIWrk, and PR_EmployeeDocuments.

I have setup a report that just dumps all 3 of these.

I have at least one employee who has an email on the Paperless screen (I have even deleted it and added it back in), but not on the Main tab in Employee Maintenance, and NONE of these fields print a value.

Even more exciting - the field is blank via DFDM in PR_EmployeeDocuments, which sounds like it's a PII field.

So is it just a failure of the Wrk file to fill in that field if the Employee screen's email is blank?

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Kent Mackall


    Big picture, as PII encryption seems to be expanding to more places (ex. GL_Bank...) all tables with encrypted PII should have a PIIWrk table available.

    Another thought is the ability to encrypt UDF's, which are a critical part of many of our customer's system configurations / business processes, but may also include PII, risking compliance for data stored in custom fields.
