VI export combining taxable and non-taxable invoice fields?


After talking with Sage I know I am doing best practice with this. In  my vi export for invoice history I am combining the taxable amount and the non-taxable amount. I have both fields pointed to the same col/pos "7" in my case but I don't know the syntax for the condition in the expression builder to combine these fields. For my situation when the taxable amount is 0 there will be value greater than 0 in the non-taxable amount same is true for when the non-taxable amount is 0 the taxable amount will be greater than 0.

Some assistance would be very helpful.


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    verified answer

    Add a temp field, not as first field. Double click on the Temp xxx field created. Change the Data Type to a number.  Beside the Calculation multi line click on the tool icon.  From the Available Fields double click your first column, TaxableSalesAmt.  It should appear in the Expression Text box.  Under Functions && Operators double click the + Add, again it should appear in the Expression Text box.  Go back to available fields and double click your second column, NonTaxableSalesAmt.  Click on the Check button to ensure there are no errors.  Then click on accept. Adjust Col/Pos if required and accept.

  • 0
    verified answer

    Add a temp field, not as first field. Double click on the Temp xxx field created. Change the Data Type to a number.  Beside the Calculation multi line click on the tool icon.  From the Available Fields double click your first column, TaxableSalesAmt.  It should appear in the Expression Text box.  Under Functions && Operators double click the + Add, again it should appear in the Expression Text box.  Go back to available fields and double click your second column, NonTaxableSalesAmt.  Click on the Check button to ensure there are no errors.  Then click on accept. Adjust Col/Pos if required and accept.

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