SO Order on "Hold"


Is there any settings that would put a SO in "Hold" status?  Users are saying the order is getting put on "Hold" mysteriously, I think the user is changing it on accident?  The customer is not on credit hold and I am having trouble pin pointing the issue, multiple users have had it happen, but it doesn't happen all the time.

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    According to my knowledge check if there are any specific system configurations or rules in place that automatically put sales orders on hold under certain conditions. These conditions could include specific customer attributes, order values, product types, or any other relevant factors. Reviewing the system settings and configurations related to sales order management may provide insights into the issue. If the business system integrates with other systems or relies on external data sources, it's possible that data inconsistencies or issues with the integration could trigger the hold status. official website Check for any data discrepancies or errors in the systems that interact with the sales order process. Some businesses have workflow or approval processes in place for sales orders. If these processes are not properly configured or if there are issues with the approval hierarchy, it could result in orders being put on hold unintentionally. Review the workflow or approval settings to ensure they are working as intended.    

    it's possible that the users are accidentally changing the status of the sales order to "Hold." This could happen if they mistakenly select the wrong option or click on a button without realizing the consequences. It would be helpful to review the order entry process and ensure that there are no confusing steps or buttons that could lead to unintended changes.

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    verified answer

    If you have the option on to include SO in the customer's credit limit, and the user doesn't have the specific Role permission allowing credit limit overrides, open SO can be forced on Hold (even when the customer is not).

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    We have this checked off so I will watch to see if this is the reason.