Vendor Type


We use Sage 100 - 2022, is there a way to add a "vendor type" to our Accounts payable vendors?  We would like to designate what type of vendor, for reporting purposes. I've searched and found instructions for older versions, but not for 2022.  

Thank you,


  • 0

    From the help files:

    If that is not what you mean, you can add a UDF to AP_Vendor using the Custom Office module.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    I was meaning more like "Equipment", "Utilities", "Office Supplies", etc., but a UDF might work.

  • 0 in reply to Lisa Pickering
    verified answer

    You could use the "Comment" field for that kind of thing too, if it's just as a description.

    Expense Distribution Tables might be useful too.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Can you export the comment field to use as a filter?  I am doing it manual outside of Sage, but would like to be able to do this within Sage.

  • 0

    The Sort field on the Additional tab could also be used for this.  This field is also used for selection on some of the standard AP reports. You can also use Custom Office to build a list of acceptable entries for the field.  

  • 0

    You could create a User Defined Field (UDF) with valid choices in a drop down. 

    You can then add this to the Vendor Panel. 

    Then add a similar name one to the report that you want to print and have it fed from the Vendor Masterfile. 

    Edit the Crystal Report wrk file to include that field.

    The UDF will becomes one of the choices in the Selection Criteria when added to the Vendor Master.

    [NOTE: If an old UDF that is being used, you may have to exclude from Report Selection in the UDF set up, run the update, then uncheck it so it is not excluded and run the update again in order to have it appear in the Selection window]

    (See the Customizer module for both task and get your Sage Partner involved to get you started).
