Custom Inventory Reports

Good Afternoon,

I am hoping to get some help with customized inventory reports. We had a MAS upgrade this past fall and it has recently come to our attention one of our reports was not transferred.  I have copies of the report; this helping me know what categories are needed. However, I seem to have a hard time getting the report created.  Anyone have any step by step instructions or familiar with creating custom reports?  Any help is very appreciated.


Thank you!

  • Welcome to the group!

    Please let me know what edition of Sage MAS you are using (90, 200 or 500) and we'll get you to the correct Sage ERP group to help you.

  • in reply to Jeff Mills

    We are on Sage 100 ERP I believe MAS 90

  • in reply to Zoroufy

    Hi Zoroufy,

    Since your post relates directly to Sage 100 ERP, I am going to move your question to that Support Group so that other users of this product will see it and be able to offer their thoughts and insight.



  • in reply to Derek Vink

    The specifics would be dependent on the specific report,  so it's a bit difficult to give you step by step instructions.   It's a little bit like saying my car is broken (but I don't know what is broken), can you give me step by step instructions to fix it?

    That being said,  if you have a copy of the original report (.rpt file)  you should be able to use the MASCRCW application in the home directory to convert it.   However if you converted from 4.3 and older it may or may not convert properly as the underlying database has changed.

    If the conversion utility does not work,   you would need the Crystal Reports designer installed on your workstation to do further work, but without seeing the report design it's very hard to give you specific instructions.

    I would suggest contacting your Sage Partner for assistance.